Monday, June 29, 2009

It Ain't All Roses

Love sucks and there’s no way around it. Bouncing around from one person to another in hopes that eventually you’ll end up snagging your soul mate is tedious and stressful.

For example: The Date. It is a common ritual in our society, a test run to see if the shoe fits. For women, hours are spent agonizing about what to wear, only to have the guy either not notice or notice and make the wrong assumptions. Then, eating usually occurs. This is where you try and look as attractive as possible while chewing food you don’t like – because he picked out the restaurant - talking about your job and coming to the conclusion that your date, while unbelievably handsome, is dumb as a doornail.

Also, who decides what is a date and what is not a date? Is it still legitimate if he doesn’t pay or is that just called “hanging out?” I’ve concluded that this whole system is just completely messed up.

Ok, maybe I’m over reacting and just angry because my own love life is nonexistent. To that, there are those who would say, “Well, why don’t you do something about it?” Then there are others who would say, “Don’t worry, it’ll happen soon enough. Love will find its way to you.” I’ve had both said to me and I think both are ridiculous notions made by people who are already in stable relationships.

Believe me, I am into the whole “let the love in” philosophy as the next single chick, but to be quite frank, I’m a little tired of it. All the guessing just gets old after a while. As a wise friend put it: “I feel like I'm a flower and he keeps plucking my petals being like ‘I love you… I love you not,’ and soon enough I'm just going to be this stem wondering what happened to all my petals.”

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